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How to use

On this page we will tell how to use UniCat.Online application.

Download the app from AppStore to your iPad or iPhone by following the link below:

Link app in App Store

Run the application. Go to the "Settings" page:

For the convenient work with application choose one of the 8 languages on the "Settings" page, which are supported by the application:

ATTENTION! Change of the language is only applicable to the menu, service fields and messages of the application. All descriptions of products, groups, trademarks and collections remain in that language, in which they were added to the database by the creator of the particular catalogue.

Set the address of your database of products or services in the app settings:

Application is ready to work.

Details about work with the app.

Home page of the application contains links and a short description of all menu items.

Top menu consists of the four items:

1. Home - go to the Home page of the application (similar to a homepage of a website).

2. Catalog - go to the page with the catalogue of products and services, offered by your company.

3. About - short information about your company.

4. Contacts - contact information of the company, whose products or services are currently displayed in the application.

Bottom menu consists of the three items:

1. Settings - go to the page with the application settings (language of the app, address of the catalogue database, add/delete the catalogue to favourites, etc.)

2. Filter - go to the page with filters and search the catalogue by particular parameters.

3. Query - go to the page with the products chosen to be ordered (similar to a cart in an online-store).

The whole product catalogue is divided into the groups of products (for example, "Consumer electronics", "Construction materials", "Furniture").

Each group of products is divided into trademarks. Each trademark is divided into collections. And inside every collection there are the products themselves. Thus, the catalogue has the following treelike structure:

Products catalogue - Group of products - Trademark - Collection - Product

Filter helps you to choose the needed products (services) from the catalogue by all of the possible characteristics. There is an option to select multiple filter values, i.e. for each of the parameters you may choose several selection values.

The application allows not to only filter the necessary products from the catalogue, but to add them to the Cart, and then send a Request regarding the current availability of the products or services to that company, who placed these products (or services) to the catalogue.

"About" section contains the short information about your company, whose product catalogue is presented in the application.

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